The solar system is a part of the Milky Way galaxy but do you know how was it formed? the sun and planets were created nearly 5 billion years ago the sun is the largest object in the solar system it is a medium size star and it is made up of gases gases the sun is so big that over a million Earth can fit inside it!
At first, the solar system was nothing but a big cloud of gas known as the Solar Nebula. Gradually, the solar Nebula becomes smaller and hotter and finally in turned into a spinning ball of gas and dust eventually collapsed and fromed the Sun.
After the sun was formed the leftover dust, and Rock and ice particles begin to spin faster and faster around the sun. The increased Chaos and movement of the gathering particles caused ball like shape gas clouds gradually, the ball of gases began to flatten, sending the outermost particle farther and farther from the dense Core. These particle formed a rotating disk around the core this process is comparable to the way that pizza dough is spun above the chef's head from a ball into a flat crust.
Many large chunks broke away from this high rotating disk where sent into Orbit around the sun. While Inorbit the gases cooled and form clubs which begin to spin and condense on their own, forming the planets.
Planets form the most important part of our solar system. This circular orbiting around the Sun is called revolution. Each Planet takes it on time to complete its revolution this time depends on the distance of the planet from the sun the revolution Period of the planet define the length of one year of that planet.
Apart from orbiting the sun the planets also rotate or spin on their own this movement is called rotation and cause the planet to experience day and night the side which faces the sun has the side which is away from the sun experience darkness or night the time taken to complete one rotation define the length of one day on the planet.
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