Known to be the fastest  spinning planet , Mercury  wss named after the fleet footed  God in ancient  Roman mythology,  God Hermes , the messenger of God's. 


 Mercury is the closest planet to the sun position at the distance of about 58 million km and the closeness thus adds  to it heating  surface temperature which ranges from 180°C to 430°C (292°F to 806°F) however the side which is away from the sun experience a sharp dip  with the temperature falling to almost -183.2°C (-297.7°F) this is all due to that there is no atmosphere on the planet because of  the absence  of atmosphere for the side  which is not facing the sun The Sky would appear Pitch Black!

  What makes up Mercury?

   With a diameter of 4879 km at its equator Mercury only about one third of size of planet earth but like 🌎. The surface of  Mercury too is very Rocky. It  surface closely It resemble the surface of our moon as it heavily cratered.  It also has several basin curved cliffs  wrinkledcrust and long radius its atmosphere is made up of trace amount of hydrogen and helium and change it is so thin we can see that it has no atmosphere at all.

 Creators on Mercury range in diameter from small Bawal shaped cavities to multi range impact basins hundred kilometres across.  The largest known crater is CRALORIS BASIN  with a diameter of 1550 km at the anti code of the calories basin is a large region of unusual  hilly terrain known as theWEIRD TERRAIN besides there are two gently rolling hilly plains  on Mercury one unusual features of the planets surface is numerous compression folds or rupes  which crisscross the plains.

 Bring the fastest spinner it takes only 88 days for this little planet to complete its Orbit around the sun thurs one Mercury year is equal to only 88 days Earth scientist earlier believed that it Revolutionary period and rotational period are the same however laughter it was discovered that it takes to be 58.6 days to complete its rotation.
Cuz a single day on market Lodge twice as long as a year .
Mercury has no natural satellites.

 Mercury can be often spotted with binoculars or even naked eyes but its not as easy as it sounds. Since it is very close to the sun finding its position become quite difficult the first spacecraft to visit Mercury was NASA's Mariner 10(1947-75) Mariner 10 provided the first Close Up images of Mercury surface going closest to within 327 km of the surface many years later in 2004 a second NASA mission to Mercury name messenger (Mercury surface space environment geochemistry and ranging)was launch in August 2004 as the first  robotic NASA spacecraft orbiting the planet Mercury by March 2012 had collected  close to 1,00,000 images ending its 1 year primary mission and entered  and extended mission scheduled to last until March 2013.

                     SANKHA SUBHRA GOSWAMI 
