THE SUN 


 Can you imagine the world without any sunlight ? Plant and humans would not survive without the sun's  energy.  The sun is the largest object in the solar system and content in nearly 99% of solar system mass the sun provides our planet with its energy in the form of heat and light.


The word sun means yellow dwarf.  The sun is so named because it is small star to small to be called a giant or a Super Giant the sun looks bigger than other stars because it is closest to our planet planet the distance between the sun and the earth is nearly 150 million kilometre the sun contents gaseous such as hydrogen and helium which help in the production of its energy. 


 The sun is a store house  of 
 energy it works like a factory to produce vast  amount of heat and light with each part of the sun playing  an important role . The core or the centre of the sun is where the energy is first created. Slightly further out from the core  is the convective  layer. Here  hot gases carrying energy rise up of towards the surface the energy then moves to the sun surface or the Photosphere heat and light should out into space from the sun surface it takes light about 8 minutes to travel from the sun to the earth.


 The sun is very hot the temperature of sun surface is 6000°C  (10,800° F)  while at suns Core it is 15million°C  ( 27 million°F) the surface of sun is grainy because of the hot gas that Bubbles up and down. Their are also explosion on the sun surface.  Big spurts of glowing gas called solar flares, burst out and shoot into space. The sun surface also features dark spots of cooler  gases this are known as sunspots.
