The universe is one big family that includes million of different objects besides galaxies the planets the Sun The moons and the stars space is made up of several fragments of rocks gases dust and ice particle this element float around in our solar system and formal large part of the  universe.


Did you know that space is a home to million of giant  snowballs?  chunks of ice and dust which is  resemble dirty balls of snow constantly move about in space and revolve around the sun.Comet are said to be leftovers  form a period when the solar system was first formed most comets  come from the ort cloud ring debrise around the solar system .


  Comets derived their name from the the Greek word komotes meaning long hair do you know why comets are so name for their long ten when they come close to the sun comets belt and release does and gas in the form of a tales sometimes the gas can release can be million of kilometre long. 


 Imagine million of Huge lumpy rocks scattered across the sky. While we cannot actually see giant rocks in space they do exist and are called asteroid. Asteroids are made up of rock or metal or a combination of both, Also called minor planet. Asteroids revolved around the sun in a Broad band know  as the Asteroid belt the belt lies mass and Jupiter and its over 300 million kilometre.


 Asteroids are the biggest  rocks in the space. Smaller metal or in iron rocks which usually break of form asteroid are called meteoroids. Meteoroids also Orbit the sun and most of them burn up on entering the earth atmosphere leaving behind steaks  of the light process Sky this are called shooting star. Most meteors  burn of before heating the Earth surface however meteors that make it to the surface without burning are called meteorites. Often collide with the Earth surface powerfully and leave behind huge dents known as craters.
