Venus is the second planet from the sun orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days the planet is named after the Roman goddess of love Venus. Apart from the planet itself even other features on its surface have Ben name after mythological women character it is the only planet to be named after a female figure.
Placed at the distance of 18 million kilometres Venus is the second closest planet to the sun in terms of its physical feature there are so many similarities to our planet earth that sometimes it's called a sister planet.
There is no life on Venus and there is no possibility either and all because of the scorching surface temperature, which is about 482°C (900°F)! this is high temperature due to the presence of gas called carbon dioxide this gas traps heat when sunlight passes through it and prevents it form escaping into space.
Having an equatorial with of 12100 km Venus is just 1040 km smaller in diameter than the earth. Out of all the Terrestrial planets Venus has the densest atmosphere consisting largely of carbon dioxide and a little bit of a nitrogen the atmosphere is so thick that is make its look as if its covered with in cover this happen to the thick layer of Clouds which also traps heat inside it is for this reason that when is surface is hotter than Mercury's is even though Mercury is much closer to the sun.
Like like a the surface of Venus very Rocky and satellite images show that it was once covered with large amounts of water Harvard the high temperature boiled it away there are also evidence of volcanic activities and scientist believe that sum of its volcanoes may still be active.
Unlike other planet which rotate from West to East Venus rotates in the opposite direction is east to west it takes 243 Earth days to complete one rotation this means one Venus day is equal to 243 Earth days Venus is the only planet where its rotation period or the length of its day is longer than the Revolutionary period or the length of its year!
Venus is moonless there are other celestial bodies which relate to it as the moon but they are not real satellites.
It is the brightest natural object in in the night sky and is also called evening star as well as the morning star it can easily been seen with the naked eye the first and name space mission to Venus was the Verna 1 Probe in 1961.
Later many spacecraft have been happened to successfully perform various flyby orbits and landing on Venus vinera 9 and 10 where the first spacecraft to enter an Orbit around win each also dispatching a Lander to the surface Venus Express was launched in 2006 for long term observation of the planet atmosphere and is expected to operate till 2012 NASA has propose the Venus In-situ Explorer (VISE), to be launched in 2013 and venera D proposed by Roscosmos is expected to be launched around 2016.
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