In the Jurassic age ,   giant plant eaters called sauropod  become the largest animals to to walk on earth one of them ultra sorors may have been up to 30 metres long and about 18 metres high which is a tall as a six  storey building !


 How do we know that Dinosaurs existed?

Scientist called when apalaeontologist examine Dinosaur bones and piece them together. They also study fossilised  like foot print nests, eggsdungs  and even toothmarks on the bones.

Which were the smallest dinosaurs?
Compsognathus where the size of a turkey and wet about 3 kilograms. It hunted insect and lizards heterodontosaurus and Lesothosaurus both plant eating dinosaur while just a small.


 Which were the heaviest dinosaur?
Ultrasaurus may have weight as much as 50 tonnes  but scientist have recently found evidence of an even bigger dinosaur in Argentina . The gigantic Argentinosauras may have weighed  as much as 100 tonnes. Most  SUROPODS were  smaller weighing  between 30 and 80 Tones. 

How do we know which Dinosaurs ate meat and which are ate plants ? 

We can tell by looking at fossils of their teeth and claws . Meat eaters and plant eaters   developed different special features such as hands that could grasp and grinding or shearing teeth.

  What were plans eaters teeth like? 
Yunnanosaourus had is a like it to cut up tough vegetation.  Some sauropod had spoon shaped tape for cutting tough plants. Diplodocids  had pencil shape teeth.  They could strip branches bare in second by raking leaves through their teeth.

What were the meet eaters teeth and claws like?
Meet eater such as allosaurus had long curve dagger like teeth to kill and tear at prey. They had powerful Jaws  in their large head and strong to keep their victims.  Allosaurus could eat you up in 2 gulps.

                                ~Thank you for reading ~

My next post is coming  in Jurassic  world part 2.

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1. *Orbitals are not like planets*: Unlike planets orbiting the sun in definite paths, electrons in orbitals do not follow fixed trajectorie...

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