PARADOX IT MEANS WHEN WE MAKE DUPLICATE OBJECT Eg. Ship when we are taking old parts and making new parts to make like this ship . WE CAN'T TELL THAT THIS DUPLICATE BECAUSE BASIS OF THEORY THERE IS NOTHING DUPLICATE IN WORLD. ONE THING THERE IS SET *S* IN *S* THERE IS NUMBER LIKE S12, S13, S14, S15, BUT DO YOU THINK THAT ONLY *S* CAN CONSIDER IN SET OF *S*. BUT WE CAN'T CONSIDER . THERE IS MANY MATHEMATICS TO SOLVE IT.  Now paradox  theory can't  proof by scientists uppercase  I have told many  thing  like that I am telling another thing that you consider in set fruit(apple,banana,mango etc) but do you  notice one thing that in bracket we can't  write fruit but the name of the set is fruit . Theses   is theory of paradox.

                                   THANK YOU  THATS ALL OF TODAY  


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