Now x rays and gamma rays can also penetrate materials in did X-rays are also known for this abilities the X energy of X rays are generally typical of the energy is between electron shells in atom and x-ray is absorb when it and energy is sufficient in to eject and electron from its cells is electron may receive atom entirely and ionize other atoms in the vicinity in this way the X-ray has the same general ionizing effect as a charged particles the probability that an x-ray is absorb varies approximately with the fourth power of the materials atomic number thus light weight elements such as makeup of skin and muscle transmit x-rays more easily than the heavier elements are as are found in bone or metals.
Gamma rays are of two high and energy to be absorbed easily by atomic electrons they do however lose energy in collisions with the electrons the code discovery of this effect by the United States physict ARTHUR COMPTON 1892 to 1962 played a part in establishing the particle light nature of electromagnetic radiations this collisions can give the electrons enough energy to ionize the collisions also reduce the gamma ray energy so that eventually the gamma ray becomes absorbed like in excess rate but only after pentetrating much farther than an x-ray can Gamma Rays for red radioactive decays can be fast through 10 cm of aluminium a far greater distance than the Alpha particles or even the electrons from the radioactivity.
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