Hydrogen bomb is the most dangerous bomb in the world
The thermonuclear reactions (fusion reaction which occur at very high temperatures) are used for producing a weapon of mass destruction called hydrogen bomb. The hydrogen bomb consist of heavy isotope of hydrogen called detrium H and tritrium ³H alongwith an element Lithium -6 ⁶Li. The detonation or explosion of hydrogen bomb is done by using an atom bombs based on the fusion of Uranium - 235 or plutonium - 2 39. when the atom bombing exploded, then its fission reaction produces a lot of heat. This heat raises the temperature of detrium and tritrium to 10⁷°C in a few microsecond at this temperature fusion reaction of detrium And tritrium take place producing a tremendous amount of energy. This explodes the hydrogen bomb tremendous amount of energy the explore the hydrogen bomb releasing and enormous amount of energy in a very short time the energy causes destruction of life and the property.
The function of lithium - 6 used in hydrogen bomb is to produce more tietrium needed for fusion this is because when Lithium is heat by neutrous produced during fusion reaction It form tritrium and Helium for the above discussion with conclude that a hydrogen bomb in based on the thermonuclear like to produce Helium atom the hydrogen bomb based on nuclear fusion is exploded by using an atom based on nuclear fusion a hydrogen bomb is actually an uncontrolled nuclear fusion process has the source of high energy of a hydrogen bomb is the same as that of the sons energy the only difference between that and son energy support life on earth because it much more to us then the sun. (please note at hydrogen bomb is much more or full then and atom bomb.)
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